Articles & Resources

Information about the latest articles and resources on AIMS and other care coordination models.

Published Articles

  • Newman, M., Ewald, B. & Golden, R. (2018). Are Social Workers Missing from Your Complex Care Teams? The Playbook. Can be accessed here.
  • Rowe, J. M., Rizzo, V. M., Vail, M. R., Kang, S. Y., & Golden, R. (2017). The role of social workers in addressing nonmedical needs in primary health care. Social Work in Health Care, 1-15. Can be accessed here.
  • Rizzo, V. M., Rowe, J. M., Shier Kricke, G., Krajci, K., & Golden, R. (2016). AIMS: A care coordination model to improve patient health outcomesHealth & Social Work41(3), 191-195. Can be accessed here.
  • Rowe, J. M., Rizzo, V. M., Shier Kricke, G., Krajci, K., Rodriguez-Morales, G., Newman, M., & Golden, R. (2016). The Ambulatory Integration of the Medical and Social (AIMS) model: A retrospective evaluationSocial work in health care55(5), 347-361. Can be accessed here.
  • Rizzo, V. M., & Rowe, J. M. (2014). Cost-effectiveness of social work services in aging: An updated systematic reviewResearch on Social Work Practice26(6), 653-667. Can be accessed here.

Online Resources